In order to be a "blog" writer you need to 1) make sure you have interesting stuff to write about and 2) assume that people want to read what you're writing about.

The past couple of weeks I honestly haven't enjoyed running all that much (except for getting to know all of you) and that's made it hard to write about least in any sort of positive way

And while I've heard from several people that they have enjoyed reading my blog...I definitely do not assume that people want to spend an entire 16 weeks reading about me....and so I thought that this would be an awesome opportunity to get all of you involved in this writing experience...

I would love to hear your running story...

Why do you run? Why did you decide to join the Southdale Y Run Club to train for the Twin Cities Marathon in 2010? What is driving you to spend hours and hours training to do something that most people think is impossible or insane?

You can write a couple of sentences or a couple of pages...there's a "Comments" section below you to add your reply. I can't wait to see what everyone has to say!!! (And if no one replies then maybe there really isn't anyone reading this…and I won't have to worry about whether I have stuff to write about in the future – LOL -

susan Pfau
7/12/2010 06:41:29 am

Why do I run???
Well I decided when I turned 50 in 2008 I must now get back into the shape I was in before I went through my 40's.....So... doing another Marathon after 20 years is part of this journey.
I have done 5ks' and triathlons in the last 2 years now it is time for the real challenge for me. a Marathon!!!
Who knows maybe before I am 70 I can do Boston's.... my ultimate fitness goal.
The hill days with the HEAT is hell for me. But each week I go a little further and know it is all part of my journey to get to a healthy life as I become a sr. citizen.
Thanks to P.J. pushing us I know I will be able to do the marathon in Oct.
See you at training!!

7/13/2010 06:44:11 am

I run to escape! After quitting my job five years ago to stay home with our kids, running quickly became my means of staying sane. I love being a mom, and I love the time I get to spend with the family; but taking the time to get out and take care of myself is key to my sanity. And, I run because I tend to eat like an idiot... running minimizes a bit of the damage :)

7/13/2010 10:42:06 am

I run because there's always a new goal I can set and work towards. Since I'm a newbie runner, pretty much every week a new PR or goal is met. Every time I go out on our long runs, I always finish amazed that I ran that far. I went into this thinking I was only going to do a half, because I used to think marathoners were completely insane. I'm now starting to see the light that runners see and I really do enjoy getting out there and just running.

I'm also a big fan of the weight loss/management part. :)

7/15/2010 10:16:29 pm

Running is naughty. When I’m stretching the tension out of my muscles, and that “it hurts so good” feeling sways me, I feel the guilt of it. I know why. I should be doing about 101 different things for my family…but I’m not. Instead, I’m “glistening” in sweat from taking pleasure in my new addictive indulgence.

I can only imagine my high after running the marathon, my muscles so pained from it all…I’ll be singing “I’m a ROCK STAR” all the way home…with a guilty :)

7/16/2010 09:12:16 am

I run because I can. That sounds blunt, and maybe it's meant to be....a little. So often, I am made to realize how many people simply cannot run or work out. Arthiritis. Old age. Disease. Lack of initiative. Whatever it may be... But I have this crazy ability (and insanity) to run miles and miles AND enjoy it. Like I said: insanity. Bt there's another reason I run that goes back to my high school years:

I used to run in high school, back in New York; but I ran mainly because of expectations put on me by others. I was FAST! And I was usually finishing in the top 3 at each cross country race.

The problem? I hated it. Soon, I burnt out and quit. Done. Hung up the shoes.

Through the years, I always wondered, "What might have been?" "How far could I have gone with running?"

I'd run from time to time...but never stick with it for long. Goals were made and broken within weeks. Gear was bought and then used only a few times. Sound familiar? I was the king of good running intentions.

Then, last year...I was under a lot of pressure with projects at work. Things felt out of my control and I was again being expected to perform. And I kept coming back to running.

I decided, "That's it. I'm going to start doing something for myself. Somethinng I can control and grow from. Something mindless but challenging."

Mind: "Running."

Body: "Running?"

Mind: "Yes, running."

And I am, putting in miles, one step at a time, pushing myself to reach my potential and to take advantage of this gift that I have been given by God.


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