Well...we all made it!!! 

Five of us ran the Urban Wildland Half Marathon on Saturday and we all had a great experience. I think that every one of us had something to be excited about...

***Sue reached her goal of finishing in less then two hours...she did 13.1 miles in 1:59:33 - WAY TO GO, SUE!!!! 
***Kelly finished her first half marathon - and her first time running further than 7 miles - in 2:31:33 - AWESOME WORK, KELLY!!!
***I (Becca) finished my second half marathon in 2:11:50 - 10 minutes faster than my first half marathon just 8 weeks ago.
***Adam finished in 1:51:47 and was able to run the entire race with his brother! They had exactly the same gun time, but somehow his brother was one second faster with Chip time!!
*** PJ finished in 1:32:12 and ran with almost his entire family - Luke, Matt, Katie, and Meredith (2 brothers, sister and cousin). Luke beat PJ, but PJ beat Matt!

We had perfect running weather and the course was very flat...especially compared to any of those hills by the River!! I was able to get a few pictures (see below)...unfortunately  Sue had left by the time I was able to grab my camera, but she was there...I promise:-)

I hope everyone has a great week - and I think there's a chance we will ALL be at Run Club on Wednesday...I hope so!! See you then!
8/2/2009 12:29:33 pm

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I couldn't be there yesterday! :'( I just ran a half marathon today by myself and it went really well! I finished in 2:35 (no fancy seconds timing for me...good ol' cell phone timer). Can't wait to see you on Wednesday!

8/3/2009 05:30:45 am

Good work everyone!!! We are set up to have a shorter run (11 or 12 miles) this weekend. We are getting ready to make our five week push 14, 15,16, 18, and 20!!! Get signed up for the Bear Water Run Sept. 12.

8/5/2009 01:47:45 am

The path along the river road by the lock and damn and stone arch bridge is still under construction. I was biking Tuesday and it's still being worked on.


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