I heard from Meredith this week that she sprained her ankle and has been instructed to do no running for two weeks.

Donn’s in the middle of selling his house…and had to miss run club to get some much needed house stuff done

I’m sitting at home tonight recovering from a migraine and feeling quite bummed because I’m not at run club with everyone else.

There are few things more discouraging and/or frustrating than having your training plan interrupted.  We go into this training knowing we need to be committed to sticking with it…and then life happens…and we have to miss a workout…UGGGHHHHH!!!
Did you know that we have….

·         15 ½ weeks
·         109 days
·         2,616 hours
·         156, 960 minutes  and
·         31 Run Club workouts

…until Twin Cities Marathon! 

Yes…that time is going to fly by very quickly… but what are the chances that throughout all of those days and hours and workouts you won’t have some sort of interruption or disruption to your training plans???  Slim to none would be my guess! 

Here’s the good news though…training for a marathon is…well, it’s like a marathon, not a sprint!! (Funny how that works, hey?!? J)

We’re at the very beginning of a 16-week journey.  Missing one workout…or even two or three…does not mean you won’t finish the marathon or reach whatever goal you’ve sent for yourself.  Training for a marathon is a “long-term” process and one day will not make or break you!

That being said…it’s obviously won’t work to miss workouts on a regular basis. It takes time to get your body ready to run 26.2 miles… we have a 16 week training plan for a reason.  

One of the biggest things I’ve learned is that marathon training is all about being flexible…and figuring out how to make it work.  Run earlier…run later…run a different day or in a different place…ride a bike…use the elliptical…find the hotel gym while on vacation…there’s almost always a way to make it work! It’s really not about perfection…it just about making sure that you keep moving forwardJ

Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to move forward with hills/sprints once I feel better…it’s definitely NOT something I enjoy doing on my own!!! 

7/16/2010 09:15:17 am

Very well said (and written), Becca. Flexibility and positive thinking have gone a long way for me in my training and marathon experience.


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