We've all made it to Week 2 of our marathon training...some of us in better shape then others:-)

Last Wednesday we learned about the awesome benefits of foam rolling and streching. I can personally attest to the fact that using a foam roller, and a tennis ball, is probably the one thing that has kept my muscles moving for the past 10 months. For those of you that weren't there on Wednesday, PJ has sheets with the streching exercises that you can pick up this Wednesday or Saturday.

This Wednesday we will be running 3-4 miles again (based on speed) and focusing on Core Strength. We'll meet in the front of the Southdale Y at 6pm for the run...and then meet afterwards for our class. Hopefully everone is feeling better this week!!

One of my favorite authors (that writes about running) is John Bingham. I received one of his books, The Courage to Start, as a Christmas gift and I couldn't put it down. John Bingham didn't start running until he was in his 40s and he just seems to say exactly what I'm thinking in a way much better then I ever could. He writes a regular article and blog for Runners World and I thought I would share the one from this month's edition. (Click on the file below to read the story) 

Have a great week everyone! We'll see you on Wednesday!

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6/21/2009 02:38:32 pm

Thanks for the information about next week's long run. I showed up at Southdale on Saturday but think I was the only to make it. Ran the Woodlake run solo. Took my long run today around Lake Calhoun and Lake of the Isles. Am anxious to hear PJ's story from the Grandma's. I will be out of town this Wednesday but will see you all next Saturday at the Bandshell.

6/23/2009 02:12:25 am

Hey all,
I know I've been absent from the first few practices due to the flu, but I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone this Wednesday! I won't be able to make the Saturday run because I work at 8am, but I'm thinking of running the lakes on Sunday anyway. :)


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