Two years ago today I met PJ for the first time. (Yes, I remember the dateJ) At the time, I weighed about 40 pounds more than I do now and I was extremely out of shape.  Exercise, in any form, was really not a part of my life…even though it was something that I wanted to do I could never seem to get past the first few weeks of a new exercise program.

I reached a point where I knew I needed to do something. I went to the YMCA, where I was paying for a membership that I hadn’t used in months, and signed up for the introductory personal trainer package. I thought that maybe if I found someone to help me get started I would be able to keep going for longer than a few weeks.

On Aug. 6 2008 I went to the gym to workout with PJ for the first time. I remember he had me do the Arc Trainer…which I hated ‘cause my lungs burned so badly; lunges down the hallway…which made my legs so sore it hurt to walk for several days afterwards; and planks…which I had never even tried before and couldn’t do for more then 10-15 seconds…I was in bad shape.

When I started this new workout plan it wasn’t with the specific idea that it was so I could begin running…that seem so far beyond my capabilities that I really didn’t even consider it. For some reason though, I told PJ on that first day about how I had always wanted to run a marathon…and he looked at me and said “Well, why can’t you?”

Even though that still makes me smile, because at the time I honestly thought he was either being patronizing or just plain silly…I realize now that he honestly just believed that there was no reason I couldn’t do it, as long as I took the time to work towards the goal.

In September I ran around Lake Harriet for the first time without walking (2.8 miles). In December I ran my first 5K. In June I ran my first half marathon. And on Oct. 3, 2009 I realized my long time dream of running in, and finishing, my first marathon!!!

Running has changed my life! It has helped me through some tough personal times and has shown me that just about anything is possible if I am willing to work hard at making it happen. Training for my first marathon taught me so much about myself and about life in general…and I generally had a blast doing it!

Training for my second marathon has not been quite as much fun. I’ve had a tough summer physically. I feel like I’m getting slower and slower…something that doesn’t sit well with my perfectionist personality…and I have been quite close to just throwing in the towel several times in the past few weeks.

But…besides the fact that I don’t think I have it in me to just quit…I am reminded today,  as I look back at the past two years, that running is about so much more for me than getting faster.   Running for me is doing something that I truly enjoy… something that I physically couldn’t do 24 months ago.  It is about persevering through the bad days and knowing that they will make the good days seem that much sweeter when they come. It is about the great friends that I’ve met and the awesome experiences that I’ve enjoyed.

I have no idea what’s going to happen in the next 8 weeks. I could end up with a migraine every week or not have another one until after the marathon (that would be a miracle, but you never knowJ).  My goal though for the next 8 weeks is to just keep moving forward, and remember how much I really do enjoy the experience of running.  Besides…more people than not think we’re all crazy for even trying to run a marathon…and I think that just makes this whole experience all that much more fun!!! J

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