We’ve made it through our first group run!! That wasn’t so bad, was it? J I truly believe that if you were able to complete the run today (which everyone did)…and you’re willing to commit to the training for the next 16 weeks…you WILL be able to run, and finish, the marathon!!  (Or half-marathon)

Unfortunately I don’t know everyone’s name yet…but I do know that at least one of our group members finished her longest run ever today…Congratulations!!! One of my favorite parts of being a new runner was that almost every time I went out I had my own personal record!!

I just found out about a great website… www.dailymile.com . It allows you to map your route and log your miles, and is a great way to give and receive some encouragement during the next 16 weeks.  

So far PJ, Chris, Anne and I have started tracking our miles and we’d love to have the rest of you join us.  I sent an e-mail invitation to everyone in the group…so if you don’t already have a place where you’re tracking your miles…this is the place to beJ

Another great tool is www.mapmyrun.com .  This site allows you to easily select any starting location and map a route, which is especially helpful if you’re not familiar with good running routes around your home.

Next run club is Wednesday, June 16 at 6:05 p.m. We’re meeting at the YMCA and we’ll be joining the Tri-Club…I think for some sprints/hills…this is when the fun truly beginsJ

Have a great weekend!

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